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Mental Health First Aid   

Mental Health First Aid USA is an 8-hour training to teach participants how to help someone who is experiencing a mental health crisis or substance use disorder. It is an evidence-based public education and prevention tool.


You will learn: a 5-step action plan to help others cope with mental health or substance use problems, an action plan to assess a situation, select and implement appropriate interventions, and secure appropriate care, a way to identify risk factors and warning signs of mental illness and addiction, and about available treatments.


After completing the 8-hour course, participants are certified as a Mental Health First Aider for three years. Online re-certification is available. Mental Health First Aid USA is included in SAMHSA's National Registry of Approved Programs and Practices (NREPP). CE Approvals: Electrical, HVAC, Plumbing, SHRM, 911 Operators

Instructor: Pace Cooke Emmons, Mental Health First Aid Instructor certified by the National Council on Behavioral Health.


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