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HVAC Exam Preparation for Journeyman Licensing   

Get prepared for the Kentucky Journeyman HVAC exam through a series of lectures, discussions, and practice exams. You will learn the proper application of HVAC codes and become thoroughly familiar with the reference materials allowed during the official exam. Prior education and/or experience in HVAC is required, as this is not an HVAC training class.

Class will meet partially online and in-person.  Students must have reliable access to a computer with internet capabilities and a webcam or smart phone camera.  In the event of a campus closure, the frequency and/or mode of delivery for class meetings may change.

Textbooks Required:

-Refrigeration and A/C Technology – 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th edition

-2015 International Mechanical Code

-National Fuel Gas Code 2009 Edition 


HVAC Exam Preparation for Journeyman Licensing

January 13th - March 5th, 2025
Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:30-8:00pm

BCTC Leestown Campus, Building N, Room 119


Contact Gloria at or (859) 246-6763 for more information or to enroll.




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