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Course Catalog > Dental Hygiene

Anesthesia Refresher Course   

This 6-hour course is a Kentucky Board of Dentistry approved course for individuals who are interested in reinstating their Dental Hygienist license and need a refresher in Anesthesia knowledge and skills. Participants must register for the Dental Hygienist Refresher course and the Anesthesia Refresher course separately. This 6 hours of specific instruction and clinical practice of local anesthesia and nitrous oxide sedation will supplement 2 hours of didactic review over pain management options and medical emergencies from day 2 of the Dental Hygiene Refresher course.

*Parking available in our patient parking lot and participants will be provided patient parking passes.


Bluegrass Community and Technical College Local Anesthesia Refresher Course

Topical Outline

8:00-11:00 Review and practice maxillary injections

8-9: Anatomy landmarks review w/skulls; review basics of each maxillary injection

9-11: Practice on simulator, then perform each maxillary injection; review nitrous

11:00-12:00 Lunch

12:00-3:00 Review and practice mandibular injections

12-1: Anatomy landmarks review w/ skulls; review basics of each mandibular injection

1-3: Practice on simulator, then perform each mandibular injection; practice nitrous

References for curriculum:

Logothetis, Demetra, “Local Anesthesia for the Dental Hygienist”, Third Edition,

ISBN: 978-0-323-39633-2

  • Anesthesia Refresher Course

  • Item Number: BC25ANE10103

  • Fee: $500.00

  • Instructor: Kayla Brewer, Amy Compton, Ted Raybould

  • Dates: 5/17/2025 - 5/17/2025

    Times: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

  • Sessions: 1

    Days: Sa

  • Contact Hours: 6

  • Building: Newtown North

    Room: 109


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