SHRM Learning System for SHRM-CP (Certified Professional) / SHRM-SCP (Senior Certified Professional) features the most up-to-date and relevant study materials available today, including SmartStudy tools, learning modules in print or e-reader formats and extensive multimedia online resources accessible via mobile devices.
- HR Competencies - Leadership & Navigation, Ethical Practice, Business Acumen, Relationship Management, Consultation, Critical Evaluation, Global & Cultural Effectiveness, Communication
- People - Talent Acquisition, Employee Engagement and Retention, Learning & Development, Total Rewards, HR Strategic Planning
- Organization - Structure of the HR Function, Organizational Effectiveness & Development, Workforce Management, Employee Relations, Technology Management
- Workplace - HR in the Global Context, Diversity and Inclusion, Risk Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, Employment Law & Regulations
Course price includes instruction materials but does not include exam fee.
Please contact Lisa Wefer via email at for questions or to register.