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Health Care Celebration   

Participants may now sign up for the educational forum component of the Health Care Celebration scheduled for April 12, 2014. Mr. Mark D. Birdwhistell, VP for Administration and External Affairs, Office of the Executive Vice President for Health Affairs, UK HealthCare is the keynote speaker. Mr. Birdwhistell’s presentation will address the health care reform act followed by a panel discussion of area healthcare professionals. Area vendors will be on display from 3:30 – 5:00 in the Cyber Café, 1st floor of the STC. Vendors will include fashion, hand-crafted jewelry, holistic medicine, essential oils, chair massages, etc. Vendors will offer items for sale and as door prizes. Participants will receive a complimentary ticket (regularly $12) to the awards reception to be held in the Watkins Training Lab of the STC from 5:30-6:00 immediately following the vendor displays. HealthCare Professionals who were nominated and those selected for the awards will be recognized at the awards reception. The reception will include entertainment, food and refreshments.
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