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Gardening Preparation   

Prepare your garden for a bountiful season with this Gardening Preparation class.  Learn how to assess and improve your soil, select plants for your climate and for plant rotation, and plan your garden layout for optimal growth.  We'll cover essential tasks for soil preparation, compositing, seed starting and choosing the best planting times.  By the end of class, you'll have the knowledge and confidence to create a healthy, productive garden that will flourish all season long.

  • Gardening Preparation

  • Item Number: MD25GAR1011

  • Fee: $20.00

  • Instructor: Kris-Ann Tapp

    Capacity Remaining: 20

  • Dates: 2/6/2025 - 2/6/2025

    Times: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

  • Sessions: 1

    Days: Th

  • Building: 2000 College Dr., Brown Badgett Bldg

    Room: Room 270

  • Prepare your garden for a bountiful season with this Gardening Preparation class.  Learn how to assess and improve your soil, select plants for your climate and for plant rotation, and plan your garden layout for optimal growth.  We'll cover essential tasks for soil preparation, compositing, seed starting and choosing the best planting times.  By the end of class, you'll have the knowledge and confidence to create a healthy, productive garden that will flourish all season long.


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