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Course Catalog > Yoga

Chair Yoga Class    NEW!

Bad back? Arthritis? Osteoporosis? Bum knees? This class is for you!

Chair Yoga is designed for anyone of any age. It is safe and accessible for everyone, everywhere. It is a practice that includes seated poses on the chair and standing poses using the chair for balance and support. You don’t have to get down on the floor! Chair Yoga integrates the yoga postures (known as asanas) with mindful breathing techniques to bring awareness and balance to the mind, body, and breath.

Studies have shown yoga can:
• Reduce pain
• Improve mobility
• Improve balance and walking ability
• Decrease stress and anxiety
• Increase focus and concentration
• Improve sleep

What to bring/wear:
• Yoga mat (If you do not have one, one can be provided)
• Water
• Hand towel
• Comfortable fitted clothing to allow stretching and bending

Yoga Instructor: Ivey Hanson
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